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"To enjoy good health, to find true happiness, to bring peace to all, one must first learn to discipline and control one's own mind. "
National Eating Disorder Association
"If you or a loved one think you may be suffering with an eating disorder and would like more information
What are Macros?
Macronutrients, or macros for short, are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Everything you eat can be broken down into these three macronutrients.
Carbs- contrary to popular belief carbs when consumed from healthy sources, are essential. You need carbs to keep your brain and muscles working. Carbs are your bodies main source of energy. Each gram of carbs yeilds 4 calories
Fat: It’s easy to think that the more fat you eat, the more fat you’ll retain. The word dat tends to scare people. For a long time "low fat" diets were thought to aid in weight loss, but fat is essential for the body to function properly. Each gram of fat yields 9 calories.
Protien: Contrary to what many fitness blogs, gooroos and supplement companies preach, protein is not a magic macro that will fix all of your weightloss/muscle gain problems. Protein simply helps to repair and build tissue such as skin, muscle and bone.
Protein yeilds 4 calories per gram.
All of these macro nutrient categories put together will make up your total caloric intake, or the total number of calories you should eat per day.
Tracking macros ensures that you are getting the exact amount of each nutrient that your body requires to either maintain, build muscle or lose fat. It is sometimes referred to as "flexible dieting". This just means that tracking macros allows you to eat the foods you like, as long as it fits into your macro numbers/ratios. Tracking macros is a lifestyle friendly approach to reaching your goals, and allowing you to enjoy food without restricting yourself to "low carb" or "high protein" rules.